Neil Clennan ~ my personal website

Trim and Stuff

Today’s changes are visually less dramatic than the last couple of days, but represent a lot of work done by a 6 person crew, plus an electrician. All 3 of the windows in the back got trimmed.

The living room side window has received no new trim, so I suspect it continues to be a puzzle for them; something to do with J channels. Both gable vents have been removed and replaced with new siding. The last window went in today, which was the guest room window.

The portion of the roof that ran over the facade wall has now been removed and new wood put in to form a nice corner. As I look at where that wall was removed, I’m wondering about what they’ll do with the lower area that has no siding.

Trim was installed around the garage doors, as you can see in this next picture. Also visible are new soffits with holes for the new lighting and a new box on the wall to the far left for the electrical outlets.

Lastly, the electrician added the boxes for the porch light and the new outlets above it. Those outlets will be used when we hang our Moravian Star during the Christmas season. It might inspire me to come up with other decorations for Halloween as well.


Great pictures.  Nice to see good progress being made.

Margaret Stokely

on 8/28/2019

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